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Pathologic Feature | Crohn's disease | Intestinal tuberculosis | BJD (Bovine Johne's Disease) | Other mycobacterioses (in humans) |
Segmental distribution | Yes | Yes | Yes | Leprosy |
Strictures | Yes | Yes | No | NKa |
Obstruction | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Skin lesions | Yes | Yes | Yes | Leprosy |
Perforations | Yes | Yes | NK | NK |
Stenosis | Yes | Yes | Yes | NK |
Abdominal mass | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Fibrosis | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Ulcerations | Yes | Yes | Yes | Leprosy |
Transmural inflammation | Yes | Yes | Yes | NK |
Abdominal edema | Yes | No | NK | NK |
Fissures | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Fistulae - Internal | Yes | Yes | No | Various |
Fistulae - External | Yes | Yes | No | Various |
Sinus tracts | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Lymphoid hyperplasia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Leprosy |
Pseudopolyps | Yes | Yes | No | NK |
Granulomas | Yes | Yes | Yes | All |
Noncaseating granulomas | Yes | Yes(25%) | Yes | Various |
Nonspecific inflammation | Yes | Yes | Yes | Various |
Giant cells - Foreign body | Yes | Yes | Yes | NK |
Giant cells - Langhans | Yes | Yes | Yes | All |
a NK. Not Known or not applicable due to site specificity.
Source: "Crohn's Disease and the Mycobacterioses: A Review and Comparison of Two Disease Entities", by Rodrick Chiodini, January 1989.
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