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Pathologic similarities between Crohn's disease and mycobacterioses.

Pathologic Feature Crohn's disease Intestinal tuberculosis BJD (Bovine Johne's Disease) Other mycobacterioses (in humans)
Segmental distribution Yes Yes Yes Leprosy
Strictures Yes Yes No NKa
Obstruction Yes Yes No NK
Skin lesions Yes Yes Yes Leprosy
Perforations Yes Yes NK NK
Stenosis Yes Yes Yes NK
Abdominal mass Yes Yes No NK
Fibrosis Yes Yes No NK
Ulcerations Yes Yes Yes Leprosy
Transmural inflammation Yes Yes Yes NK
Abdominal edema Yes No NK NK
Fissures Yes Yes No NK
Fistulae - Internal Yes Yes No Various
Fistulae - External Yes Yes No Various
Sinus tracts Yes Yes No NK
Lymphoid hyperplasia Yes Yes Yes Leprosy
Pseudopolyps Yes Yes No NK
Granulomas Yes Yes Yes All
Noncaseating granulomas Yes Yes(25%) Yes Various
Nonspecific inflammation Yes Yes Yes Various
Giant cells - Foreign body Yes Yes Yes NK
Giant cells - Langhans Yes Yes Yes All

a NK. Not Known or not applicable due to site specificity.

Source: "Crohn's Disease and the Mycobacterioses: A Review and Comparison of Two Disease Entities", by Rodrick Chiodini, January 1989.

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