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Title: Relative incidence of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in six Melbourne hospitals.
Title Abreviation: Med J Aust Date of Pub: 1987 May 18
Author: McDermott FT; Whelan G; St John DJ; Barnes GL; Elliott R; Herrmann R; Schmidt GT; Smallwood RA;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 10 Volume Issue: 146 Pagination: 525, 528-9
MESH Headings: Adolescence; Adult; Australia; Child; Colitis, Ulcerative (*EP); Comparative Study; Crohn Disease (*EP); Female; Hospitals, Teaching; Human; Male; Prospective Studies; -AA-;
Journal Title Code: M26 Publication Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Date of Entry: 870622N Entry Month: 8708
Country: AUSTRALIA Index Priority: 1
Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 87201187
Unique Identifier: 87201187 ISSN: 0025-729X
Abstract: Information on the relative incidence of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis was obtained by a prospective investigation at six Melbourne teaching hospitals. One hundred and eleven patients who presented with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases between 1980-1981 were admitted to the study. Forty (36%) patients were diagnosed as having Crohn's disease and 63 (57%) patients as having ulcerative colitis. The type of chronic inflammatory bowel disease could not be determined in eight (7%) patients. These findings suggest that the relative frequency of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in Melbourne hospitals is within the range that is reported for northern Europe and the United States.
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