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Title: Paratuberculosis in a large goat herd.
Title Abreviation: Vet Rec Date of Pub: 1983 Nov 12
Author: Thomas GW;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 20 Volume Issue: 113 Pagination: 464-6
MESH Headings: Animal; Goats (*); Paratuberculosis (*DI); -AA-;
Journal Title Code: XBS Publication Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Date of Entry: 840127N Entry Month: 8403
Country: ENGLAND Index Priority: 2
Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 84074859
Unique Identifier: 84074859 ISSN: 0042-4900
Abstract: Paratuberculosis was studied for three years in a large goat herd. Post mortem lesions were seen mainly in the ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes where caseation was often present. In three successive years the annual faecal excretor rate was 15, 9 and 13 per cent despite removal of positives. Faecal culture and an agar gel immunodiffusion test proved useful for detecting the disease in live goats, but complement fixation and tuberculin tests were of less value. The prospects of controlling the disease are discussed.
Abstract By: Author