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Title: [Paratuberculosis in a dog]
Title Abreviation: Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr Date of Pub: 1977 Nov 1
Author: Vogel O;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 21 Volume Issue: 90 Pagination: 419-21
MESH Headings: Animal; Case Report; Dog Diseases (*PA); Dogs; English Abstract; Gastroenteritis (PA/VE); Paratuberculosis (*PA); -EA-;
Journal Title Code: 9Q8 Publication Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Date of Entry: 780127N Entry Month: 7803
Country: GERMANY, WEST Index Priority: -HEADING-
Language: Ger Unique Identifier: 78060251
Unique Identifier: 78060251 ISSN: 0005-9366
Transliterated/Vernacular Title: Paratuberkulose bei einem Hund.