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Title: Probable paratuberculosis in a Sicilian ass.
Title Abreviation: J Am Vet Med Assoc Date of Pub: 1990 Feb 1
Author: Dierckins MS; Sherman DM; Gendron-Fitzpatrick A;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 3 Volume Issue: 196 Pagination: 459-61
MESH Headings: Animal; Case Report; Chronic Disease; Diagnosis, Differential; Diarrhea (ET/*VE); Female; Paratuberculosis (*DI/PA); Perissodactyla (*); -AA-;
Journal Title Code: HAV Publication Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Date of Entry: 900305N Entry Month: 9005
Country: UNITED STATES Index Priority: 2
Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 90130021
Unique Identifier: 90130021 ISSN: 0003-1488
Abstract: A presumptive diagnosis of paratuberculosis was made in a Sicilian ass on the basis of a history of chronic diarrhea and weight loss, pasture exposure to a heifer with paratuberculosis confirmed by bacterial culture of feces, postmortem identification of granulomatous inflammation of the intestine containing acid-fast organisms, the absence of acid-fast organisms in extraenteric tissues, and the absence of exposure to tuberculosis. The literature on paratuberculosis in equids is reviewed. The potential for cross-species transmission is emphasized. Justification for consideration of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection in the differential diagnoses of equine granulomatous enteritis is discussed.
Abstract By: Author
Address: Bristol Veterinary Service, SC, Union Grove, WI 53182.