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Clinical similarities between Crohn's disease and mycobacterioses.

Clinical feature Crohn's Disease Intestinal tuberculosis BJD(Bovine Johne's Disease)
Diarrhea Yes Yes Yes
Intermittent diarrhea Yes Yes Yes
Abdominal pain Yes Yes NAa
Weight loss Yes Yes Yes
Obstruction Yes Yes No
Ileac region mass Yes Yes No
Blood in stool Rare Rare Rare
Vomiting Yes Yes Nob
Quiescent periods Yes Yes Yes

a NA. Not available; domestic animals generally fail to display chronic pain.

b Vomiting (regurgitation) is a normal function of ruminants.

Source: "Crohn's Disease and the Mycobacterioses: A Review and Comparison of Two Disease Entities", by Rodrick Chiodini, January 1989.

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