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Clinical feature | Crohn's Disease | Intestinal tuberculosis | BJD(Bovine Johne's Disease) |
Diarrhea | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Intermittent diarrhea | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Abdominal pain | Yes | Yes | NAa |
Weight loss | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Obstruction | Yes | Yes | No |
Ileac region mass | Yes | Yes | No |
Blood in stool | Rare | Rare | Rare |
Vomiting | Yes | Yes | Nob |
Quiescent periods | Yes | Yes | Yes |
a NA. Not available; domestic animals generally fail to display chronic pain.
b Vomiting (regurgitation) is a normal function of ruminants.
Source: "Crohn's Disease and the Mycobacterioses: A Review and Comparison of Two Disease Entities", by Rodrick Chiodini, January 1989.
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