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Title: Crohn's disease in a defined population. An epidemiological study of incidence, prevalence, mortality, and secular trends in the city of Malmö, Sweden.
Title Abreviation: Gastroenterology Date of Pub: 1975 Aug
Author: Brahme F; Lindström C; Wenckert A;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 2 Volume Issue: 69 Pagination: 342-51
MESH Headings: Adolescence; Adult; Age Factors; Aged; Child; Chronic Disease; Colitis, Ulcerative (EP); Crohn Disease (*EP/GE/MO); Female; Human; Intestines (PA); Jews; Male; Middle Age; Sex Factors; Sweden; -AA-;
Journal Title Code: FH3 Publication Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Date of Entry: 751108NEntry Month: 7512
Country: UNITED STATES Index Priority: -HEADING-
Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 75209815
Unique Identifier: 75209815 ISSN: 0016-5085
Abstract: A prospective epidemiological study of Crohn's disease in Malmö, Sweden, was carried out during the years 1958 to 1973. The mean annual incidence rate for the disease was 4.8 per 10(5) inhabitants at risk. The recorded incidence increased from 3.5 per 10(5) inhabitants during the initial 8-year period, to 6.0 per 10(5) inhabitants during the last 8 years of the study. The maximum annual incidence rate, 8.3 per 10(5) inhabitants in 1971, is the highest hitherto on record. A prevalence rate of 75.2 per 10(5) inhabitants on December 31, 1973 was recorded. The death rate was low: 0.15 per 10(5) inhabitants per year. The alidity of the observed high incidence rates and the rising secular trends are discussed.
Abstract By: Author