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Title: Remission of Crohn's disease with antimycobacterial chemotherapy [letter]
Title Abreviation: Lancet Date of Pub: 1987 Dec 12
Author: Schultz MG; Rieder HL; Hersh T; Riepe S;
Issue/Part/Supplement: 8572 Volume Issue: 2 Pagination: 1391-2
MESH Headings: Antitubercular Agents (*TU); Case Report; Crohn Disease (*DT); Human; Male; Middle Age; Remission Induction; -RN-;
Journal Title Code: L0S Publication Type: LETTER
Date of Entry: 880121NEntry Month: 8803
Country: ENGLAND Index Priority: 1
Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 88064762
Unique Identifier: 88064762 ISSN: 0140-6736